Biblical answers to Anointing Oil questions


Do you have specific essential oil recipe for spiritual warfare? What did they use in the book James?


I assume you are speaking of when the elders anoint for healing in James 5?? In the Biblical days the anointing oil was olive oil. Many healing evangelist have used Spikenard (also known as Nard) for healing. The reason is because our Lord says He was anointed onto death and to resurrection when Mary anointed Him with Spikenard. If this doesn't answer your question please let me know.

Specifically for warfare - whatever Holy Spirit directs me. There have been different types. Breaking depression with the oil of gladness which is "Cassia Anointing Oil". Breaking impurity with "Cinnamon Anointing Oil". For salvation with "Frankincense & Myrrh" which is covering of sin and purity. 

There have also been times He has directed me to use something that seems totally off to me but make perfect sense later. Holy Spirit knows.



I read your story. Wow what God did to you!

I want to know about oils Exodus 30. There are 2 kinds of oil. Do you have both? 


There are two in Exodus 30. One is anointing oil and one is incense. We have both. The Exodus incense is in oil form and can be found  in the Incense area.

I make both the anointing oil and the incense oil. I also carry the Exodus 30 oil imported from Israel. You will find they will smell different. I follow the direction Holy Spirit gave me after an intense 6 month journey. The ones from Israel are more fragrances then essential oils.

I will pray Holy Spirit will direct you to the right one He wants for you to have.


I have muscular sclerosis and am walking with a cane. I was wondering what type of oil I could use for anointing?


In the scriptures it says to have the elders of the church anoint you and pray for your healing. If you feel Holy Spirit is calling you to anoint yourself for healing then please ask Him the specific oil you should use. Unless prompted by Holy Spirit this is the only suggestion I can give you.